/\     Forge me a sword, and I want you to try
                 / |\    To sharpen it well when you're done.
                / /\ \   For I learned yesterday that I cannot die,
               / /  \ \  And they say THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!
              / /    \ \
             /_/      \_\
             \    '`    /Forge me a sword, for I need to defend
              )   ||   ( Against those who'll come seeking my head.
              |   ||   | And we'll fight 'till the inescapable end,
              |   ||   | That leaves one alive, and one dead.
              |   ||   |
              |   ||   |
              |   ||   | Forge me a sword, THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!,
              |   ||   | And too much time already has passed.
              |   ||   | For though we all must fall, ere the Game can be done
              |   ||   | I'll be damned if I won't be the last.
              |   ||   |
  /           |   ||   |           \
 /(           |   ||   |           )\
 |`\_         |   ||   |         _/'|
 |`. `-._     |   ||   |     _,-' ,'|
 (   ` . `-._ |  _--_  | _,-' , '   )
  `.._   ` . `-./.__.\.-' , '   _,-'
      `-._   ` | /  \ | '   _,-'
          `-._/ |_()_| \_,-'
       ___.-'   ______   `-,
      '-----.  |______|   /  I am Highlander, the IMMORTAL.
             \  ______   /   From the depths of time, I and many of my
             |  \>  </  /    kind have battled and loved. We are waiting
              \________/     for the time of the Gathering, when only a
              _]______[_     few of us are left. Then we will battle for
              |        |     the ULTIMATE prize.
               ]______[#     Remember THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!
              |        |
              |________|     Tim McClatchey
              _]______[_     Live Long and Prosper
              |        |     warlord@zonk.geko.com.au
              |________|     THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!
              |        |
              .'      `.
              | <   >  |>
             <|   <   >|
                 V   V